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SPECIALS GARLIC -  Knoblauch Insektizid

Orange Garlic is a natural, organic insecticide. The high content of garlic extract has a repellent effect on insects.

By using orange garlic you can keep insects away from your plants. Orange garlic contains hydrogen cyanide, a component that kills pests through direct contact.

A plant is able to absorb orange garlic through its root system. The hydrogen cyanide and the associated repellent effect are released into the atmosphere through the leaves. Orange garlic can also be sprayed onto the plant. When combating a serious insect infestation, it is recommended to use both methods at the same time.

Orange Garlic can be used to rid your plants of pests such as spider mites in an organic, environmentally friendly and user-friendly way.

SPECIALS GARLIC - Knoblauch Insektizid

SKU: 1016
100 Milliliters
VAT Included |
    • Store in a cool and dark area.
    • Shelf life 6 months after opening

    Use a ratio of 1:1000 in irrigation water and 1:200 for spray treatment.

    To ensure that the garlic extract is not detectable in the final product, you must stop the treatment two weeks before harvest.

  • Verwenden Sie das Verhältnis 1:1000 im Gießwasser und 1:200 für eine Sprühbehandlung.

    • Kühl und dunkel lagern.
    • Haltbarkeitsdauer 6 Monate nach dem Öffnen

    Hinweis: Um zu gewährleisten, dass der Knoblauchextrakt nicht im Endprodukt nachweisbar ist, müssen Sie die Behandlung zwei Wochen vor der Ernte einstellen.

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