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KING Hydro Coco A+B Set

Hydro A

  • Orange Hydro A has been specially developed for growers who grow on inert substrates (e.g. coconut, rock wool). The product consists of calcium, nitrogen and trace elements such as: boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc.

  • When growing on hydro substrates with the Orange King line, the grower is completely dependent on the use of Orange Hydro A. This is because Orange Hydro A is the only nutrient in this nutrient line that contains calcium, which is an essential element for the development of your plant's life on earth.

  • It is therefore of crucial importance in all areas of the plant system.

  • Combine Orange Hydro A with Orange Hydro B and the Orange supplements to ensure that nutrient levels exceed the minimum levels required for healthy growth. This way, growth will never be limited by the absence or extreme blockage of a nutrient.

  • Because of the high calcium content in Orange Hydro A, a grower should always be cautious when using this product. Make sure the product does not come into contact with other substances before diluting. First add Hydro A to the feed water and mix the solution thoroughly. Then add additional fertilizers.

Hydro B

  • Orange Hydro B is a complementary product to add a full range of nutrients to the plant's diet. The main components of this fertilizer are: phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and magnesium. Orange Hydro B is composed of the most important trace elements.

  • Growing plants on soil with the Orange-King line is mainly done by combining Orange Hydro A and Orange Hydro B. These two products together form a complete food for plants. However, the balance of nutrients in this diet is not always the most effective.

  • To ensure that the nutrient balance is always correct, Orange Hydro A and Orange Hydro B are used together with the Orange Specials in certain phases of the plants' growth cycle.

KING Hydro Coco A+B Set

SKU: 0005
100 Milliliters
VAT Included |
  • Hydro A - Kombinieren Sie Orange Hydro A mit Orange Hydro B und den Orange-Zusätzen, um sicherzustellen, dass der Nährstoffgehalt die für ein gesundes Wachstum erforderlichen Mindestwerte übersteigt. Auf diese Weise wird das Wachstum nie durch das Fehlen oder die extreme Blockade eines Nährstoffes eingeschränkt.

    Wegen des hohen Kalziumgehalts in Orange Hydro A sollte ein Züchter immer vorsichtig sein, wenn er dieses Produkt verwendet. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Produkt vor der Verdünnung nicht mit anderen Substanzen in Kontakt kommt. Fügen Sie zuerst Hydro A zum Speisewasser hinzu und mischen Sie die Lösung gründlich. Danach weitere Düngemittel zugeben.

    Hydro B - Damit die Nährstoffbilanz immer stimmt, werden Orange Hydro A und Orange Hydro B zusammen mit den Orange Specials in bestimmten Phasen des Wachstumszyklus der Pflanzen eingesetzt.

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