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BIO Top Booster (flower booster)

Orange Top Booster focuses on the top or buds of the cannabis plants. Orange Top Booster provides your plant with a high level of potassium and the perfect amount of trace elements to harden the cells.

  • By increasing the thickness and resistance of the cell walls, as well as by building up carbohydrates and proteins, the weight of the buds increases.

  • An often forgotten part of successful fortification in the final phase of plant life is the addition of adequate amounts of trace elements to the diet.

Orange Top Booster ensures that the grower does not have to think twice when this is the case. The amounts indicated on the grow plan ensure that your plants are provided with everything they need.

BIO Top Booster (flower booster)

SKU: 0003
27,99 €Price
100 Milliliters
VAT Included |
  • Ein oft vergessener Teil einer erfolgreichen Verstärkung in der letzten Phase des Lebens der Pflanzen ist die Zugabe von ausreichenden Mengen an Spurenelementen zur Ernährung.

    Orange Top Booster sorgt dafür, dass der Züchter nicht zweimal nachdenken muss. Die Mengen, die auf dem Anbauplan angegeben sind, stellen sicher, dass Ihre Pflanzen mit allem versorgt werden, was sie brauchen.

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